We asked for your opinions – here are the results!

At Airofit, we want to bring better breathing to the world. But are we really doing this?
That was the main question we wanted to answer in our big user survey sent out in April 2023.
But before we answer this question, let’s dig a bit into understanding who answered our survey.
The respondents
We were very happy that so many wanted to share their opinions about Airofit – in fact, a total of 1329 people answered our survey!
Most respondents were male, between 35-54 and residing in either Europe or North America.
9/10 males

Age distribution

Almost 30% of the respondents suffered from medical conditions where the predominant conditions were asthma, high blood pressure, obstructive sleep apnea, long covid and COPD. This is not surprising to us as respiratory muscle training has proven beneficial for all of these conditions.
Airofit training habits
Half of the respondents trained with PRO 1.0, while a third trained with PRO 2.0. The remaining respondents trained with Airofit Active. Furthermore, as you see below, the majority had owned Airofit for a long time and train at least weekly with it. Great work Airofitters!
The breathing situation
So, is the world breathing better?
We think the results speak for themselves.
As shown above, less than 1 out of 4 agreed to having good or excellent breathing prior to the training with Airofit. But after training with Airofit, 3 out of 4 rate their breathing as good or excellent. Amazing!
But to translate this better breathing into more concrete results, we asked how people felt their performance, health and well-being have changed after they started training with Airofit.
Performance improvements
In terms of performance-related improvements, the results show that:
- 60% agrees to having increased their pace
- 66% agrees to not running out of breath as easily
- 68% agrees to having increased their endurance
Some respondents shared their thoughts on how they felt their improvement:
“I previously used a training mask, Airofit blows away that device by improving my sleep, endurance, respiration and VO2max.” – Airofit PRO 1.0 user
“The device has made a big difference in my swimming. I can hold my breath without panicking for longer periods. The ability process oxygen has improved my endurance and speed when running for time.” – Airofit PRO 1.0 user

Well-being improvements
In regards to general well-being improvements, the results show that:
- 41% agrees to sleeping better
- 47% agrees to feeling calmer
- 81% agrees to being more aware of their breathing
Here, one respondent said:
“Really a great invention a great product It improved my breathing during swimming, improved my ( light) asthma symptoms but most if all it improves my sleep for which i am very grateful.” – Airofit PRO 2.0 user
While another said:
“I have manage to steadily increase my lung capacity. I am a chef, and working in a busy kitchen, I can now work more calmly while being aware on whats happening in the kitchen.” – Airofit PRO 2.0 user

Health conditions
Finally, we asked the people suffering from breathing-related conditions* and how their health has changed since introducing Airofit into their routines. The data show that:
- 36% are using less medication
- 36% experience less chest pain and/or trouble
- 52% experience less wheezing and coughing
- 67% have felt less shortness of breath
* Asthma, COPD, Bronchiectasis, Fibromyalgia, Long Covid, Cardiovascular diseases, Cystic fibrosis and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).
The health improvements were also elaborated on by some of the respondents:
“I ceased asthma medication in December. I achieve as good or better results using Airofit without the side effects of steroidal drugs.” – Airofit PRO 1.0 user
“Since I started using aerofit, my symptoms of long covid have slowly disappeared, I’ve been fighting this battle since the end of 2021 and I finally feel myself getting better.” – Airofit PRO 2.0 user
“I have symptoms from Asthma and COPD. I am using Airofit for almost 3 years. Before Airofit my lung capacity and FEV1 was going bit by bit worse as doctors said because of aging. After I started to use Airofit my indicators started to even get better. Thank you Airofit” – Airofit PRO 2.0 user

Does Airofit help with stress and anxiety?
From the results we also discovered that 1 out of 4 suffers from stress and 1 out of 8 suffers from anxiety. Breathing training has been proven to help with mental health conditions, so naturally we wanted to know if these respondents felt any changes after incorporating breath work and lung training into their habits.
The data revealed that almost 3 out of 5 were able to manage their stress and/or anxiety better when using the Airofit breathing trainer. These results support this research study from Chen et al. (2016) that concluded that diaphragmatic breathing effectively reduces the anxiety level and is also highlighted in the following quote:
“I’ve enjoyed the awareness Airofit has brought me regarding my breathing, which as certainly helped deal with daily stress.” – Airofit PRO 1.0 user
Future action points
Besides these very positive results from the survey, we also discovered some of our pain points which we will spend more resources on in the future. Software bugs in the app and firmware issues were mentioned several times and have been hindering respondents in training as much as desired. However, it is something that we are working on every day to resolve and fortunately, we recently released a new app version that solves many of the mentioned issues. If you run into trouble with your device or our app, please reach out to our customer support any time!
We also discovered that several of you don’t fully understand the app’s different areas such as the training programs, sessions, metrics, and statistics. Thus, we are working on some better communication around this, so take a deep breath – improvements are coming soon!
We <3 you
We at Airofit would like to send our deepest gratitude to all of you amazing people in our better breathing community. Your input and feedback are greatly and we would not be where we are today without you. THANK YOU!