Take control of your breathing
Overcome your struggles through Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT).
Build better habits and improve the 4 areas of your breathing foundation.
Like any other muscles, your breathing muscles grow bigger and stronger when they are stressed. RMT is the simplest way to isolate and exercise your respiratory muscles correctly. RMT is all about efficient training and quality repetitions.
With inactivity, age, or little focus on breathing health, your lung tissue can stiffen. Daily breathing exercises coupled with strong breathing muscles ensure your lungs are pushed and pulled for more flexibility. The result is a bigger lung volume which adds depth and ease to your breathing.
Your breathing muscles are always on with more than 22.000 breaths daily. As you breath train, your muscles adapt to the new strain by building breathing muscle memory. Simultaneously you will start rewiring you autonomous breathing patterns from shallow and hectic to deep and slow.
RMT stimulates your ‘rest and digest’ nervous system similar to box-breathing and deep breathing techniques used in yoga and meditation. This helps your body release more ‘happy hormones’ like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.

Take control of your breathing
Overcome your struggles through Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT).
Build better habits and improve the 4 areas of your breathing foundation.
Like any other muscles, your breathing muscles grow bigger and stronger when they are stressed. RMT is the simplest way to isolate and exercise your respiratory muscles correctly. RMT is all about efficient training and quality repetitions.
With inactivity, age, or little focus on breathing health, your lung tissue can stiffen. Daily breathing exercises coupled with strong breathing muscles ensure your lungs are pushed and pulled for more flexibility. The result is a bigger lung volume which adds depth and ease to your breathing.
Your breathing muscles are always on with more than 22.000 breaths daily. As you breath train, your muscles adapt to the new strain by building breathing muscle memory. Simultaneously you will start rewiring you autonomous breathing patterns from shallow and hectic to deep and slow.
RMT stimulates your ‘rest and digest’ nervous system similar to box-breathing and deep breathing techniques used in yoga and meditation. This helps your body release more ‘happy hormones’ like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.
The weakest breathers improve the most
Imagine the feeling and energy if you could breathe 30% better in just 6 weeks. The weakest breathers get the biggest and most immediate muscle growth from RMT, our study shows.

The weakest breathers improve the most

Imagine the feeling and energy if you could breathe 30% better in just 6 weeks. The weakest breathers get the biggest and most immediate muscle growth from RMT, our study shows.

Improve your lung capacity
Why do the pros train with Airofit? For many reasons, the best being evidently: Improve your lung capacity, and you’ll get more oxygen and power for your other muscles, your mind, and a new PB.
Improve your lung capacity

Why do the pros train with Airofit? For many reasons, the best being evidently: Improve your lung capacity, and you’ll get more oxygen and power for your other muscles, your mind, and a new PB.
Strengthen your immune system
Lowering your respiratory rate and getting more oxygen with every breath preserves energy and strengthens your immune system.

Strengthen your immune system

Lowering your respiratory rate and getting more oxygen with every breath preserves energy and strengthens your immune system.

Become the relaxed you
You’re not alone in feeling stressed or anxious. Simple deep breathing exercises are the easiest way to get a daily fix of calm to become more focused and relaxed.
Become the relaxed you

You’re not alone in feeling stressed or anxious. Simple deep breathing exercises are the easiest way to get a daily fix of calm to become more focused and relaxed.
Train smarter, not harder
With just 5 steps, you can actively improve your lungs and breathing.
It only takes 5-7 minutes a day with our fully guided training sessions.