Improved mental health
Breathing and the mental state are more connected than they may appear. Though we tend to see psychological and physical health as distinct from each other, they are deeply interconnected.
Simple and natural ways to improve your mental health
Most people suffer from mental health issues at some point in their lives. Therefore it is helpful to know that everyone can work on and improve their mental health themselves. We are creatures of habit, and if we look at the structure of our habits, we can quickly start to recognize patterns, but positive and negative.
It is important to understand that there are many ways you can facilitate change and bring positivity into your life. Most importantly, when we look to change a pattern or habit, we need to gain structure and consistency to implement or rewire our built-in or intuitive reactions.

Value yourself: Be proud of who you are and what you do and think positively. Having a positive image of yourself has a potent effect on how you feel.
Be in the Moment: Try not to multitask too much. Instead, focus on what is important in the moment. When your mind starts to wander, don’t fight it as it is a natural tendency but take a slow exhale and transition back to your main task at hand.
Exercise. When you exercise, your body creates endorphins and other “feel good” compounds that help reduce stress and boost your mood. That is why exercising is such a powerful tool to improve mental health. So start adding exercises to your daily routine. For example, take a yoga class, incorporate a daily walk, go for a swim.
Good Nutrition: Try to eat foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts, flaxseeds and cold-water fish.
Proper sleep: Sleep deprivation is conducive to a bad mood, is more common than most people think and is detrimental to our mental health. It is recommended to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Be consistent, don’t convert your sleeping area to a work area, and keep the room you sleep in as dark as possible.
Breathwork and Mental Health

Breathing and the mental state are more connected than they may appear at first glance. Though many people tend to see psychological and physical health as distinct from each other, they are deeply interconnected. Mental health and the physical state are embedded with one another.
Whether or not you consistently realize it, your state of mind impacts the body (and vice versa). There are a lot of interesting models to refer to which demonstrate this close relationship between the two.
The whole concept of facial expression and feedback implies that your body takes physical influences, such as muscle contractions, and translates them into emotional responses.
Try to think about how your breathing patterns are disrupted when a person is about to cry or even how their breathing quickens and becomes shallower during a panic attack. Many people find it helpful to practice breath training to relieve themselves from states of anxiety by practicing intentional calming breathing to move their bodies back towards a “rest and digest” cycle the parasympathetic response.
Conscious breathing brings the power and impact of breath to a whole new level in order to offer symptom relief and a general sense of enhanced well-being.
Getting a little introduction into the powerful world of conscious breathing is a significant first step towards exploring holistic treatment options for mental health. Learning the foundations and applications of breathwork practices may help a person understand why these breathwork strategies are worthwhile to incorporate other areas, such as trauma recovery and PTSD.
With breathwork, you can practice breathing techniques that help you connect with your inner self — your thoughts and feelings. This connection can give you insight into your life and choices. These insights enable you to cope and begin living a full and positive life.
Other benefits of breathwork include:
Easing Anxiety and Stress
• Assisting with Anger Management
• Releasing Repressed Emotions
• Reducing Grief
• Boosting Your Immune System and more…

Expert Author: Sean Coakley
Sean has 25+ years of experience in breath training and a scientific background in nutritional sciences and epidemiology.

Airofit can help you make these connections quickly and simply. Airofit will guide you with its easy-to-use app, providing immediate feedback on the movement and energy you put into your breathing. The modules in our app have been designed by thought leaders in the breathing space based on years of expertise and academic findings. Start a new, positive habit today.