11 new languages in the Airofit app

Airofit – speaking your lingo!
You asked for local language support for the app – we heard you!
Our app is now available in:
- Arabic
- Danish
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Hindi
- Italian
- Japanese
- Mandarin
- Portugese
- Spanish
We hope this will help make the world’s favorite breath-training system even more accessible and user-friendly.
And it means we’re one step closer to the goal of making Airofit available to everyone, in as many languages as possible.*
Airofit’s mission is to bring better breathing for all. And a fitter, healthier world is good news in any language!
Have you tried out the different training programs in our app? We’d love to hear what you think! Feedback from our amazing users helps to drive our mission: to deliver the world’s most effective breath training technology.
* Apologies, but it might be a while before we get around to the Klingon version.